Some might say that Eagle Bay is a small community with a large drinking problem but we say that this community has a heart of gold when it comes to supporting our hall through our Bottle Depot! We are so grateful for every single refundable donation we receive.
We are also tremendously in debt to our very small group of volunteers who keep the bottle depot going. Al & Pat Houston, Alan Rendell, Al Shirley, Paul, Cathy & Sam Wolf and Wanda & Brad Bouthot and Robin & Brian Howley.
our bottle depot
We Need Your Help!
Our Bottle Depot is run by a very small group of volunteers who not only receive and sort your donations, they also manage the transport of bottles to the depot. You've heard the term "many hands make light work"? Well we need your hands because your donations just keep on coming! The job is simple and the benefits include working with really cool people and supporting your community.
Are you able to donate 1-2 hours per week and take a weekly shift at the Bottle Depot? We have spots available on Fridays and Saturdays but if neither of those dates work, our team is flexible and can take what ever time you can donate. Seasonal help welcomed and appreciated.
Please reach out to Al Houston and join our team!!!
The Story of the Bottle Depot
Submitted by Al Houston
It all started approximately 20 years ago when the September Labour Day weekend was designated “Bottle Day”. Some bottles were delivered during the year and were stored at the back of the hall. Then in September volunteers gathered together to sort everything. We even had a truck going around the community picking up bottles and cans left at the end of driveways. This went on for a number of years until volume increased substantially and it was decided to build a shed where everything could be sorted and stored.
Work on the shed started in June 2010. Al Shirley, Dave Reniak and Dennis Daws finished on July 10. The shed made it much easier for the volunteers to store and sort everything delivered. As volume increased the shed could no longer hold the items delivered and we had to store many items in the other small shed on our property. It was then decided to build an addition to the Bottle Depot Shed. This was done by Al Shirley and Alan Rendell. Several years later volume had again increased and it was decided to purchase a SeaCan which is now used for storage.
We have had many different volunteers help sort and bag bottles and cans over the years. Our present volunteers consist of Al Shirley, Wanda and Brad Bouthot, Alan Rendell, Paul and Cathy Wolf and Al and Pat Houston. We will gladly train anyone interested in helping. More volunteers will be required for next year as volume is anticipated to continue to increase.
We appreciate the continued support of the Community in bringing bottles cans and milk containers to us. All funds received are used to assist with operating expenses and improvements to the Hall.
If you would like to volunteer for the Bottle Depot, please contact Al Houston. Email: alpathouston@gmail.com